
Next Available Option:
link-local -- Configure a link-local IPv6 address.(p. 733)
[no] vlan VLAN-ID ipv6 address IPV6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN
Congure IPv6 address represented in CIDR notation.
Next Available Options:
anycast -- Address that is assigned to a set of interfaces that typically belong to different
nodes(p. 716)
eui-64 -- An IPv6 EUI-64 address that can be automatically configured on any interface(p. 723)
[no] vlan VLAN-ID ip irdp
Usage: [no] ip irdp [...]
Description: Congure ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP). This is
a VLAN context command. It can be called directly from the VLAN
context or may follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID' command prex.
Called without parameters the command enables or disables (if
preceded by 'no') the protocol on the VLAN specied, or
identied by the current VLAN context. Use 'ip irdp ?' to get
a list of all possible congurable parameters.
Next Available Options:
advert-address < multicast | broadcast > -- Specify the destination address to be used for router
advertisements(p. 714)
holdtime < 4 to 9000 > -- Set the lifetime (in seconds) of the router advertisements sent on this
interface(p. 726)
maxadvertinterval < 4 to 1800 > -- Set the maximum time (in seconds) allowed between sending
unsolicited router advertisements(p. 733)
minadvertinterval < 3 to 1800 > -- Set the minimum time (in seconds) allowed between sending
unsolicited router advertisements(p. 735)
preference -- The preferability of the router as a default router, relative to the other routers on
the same subnet(p. 742)
[no] vlan VLAN-ID jumbo
Usage: [no] jumbo
Description: Labels this VLAN as a Jumbo VLAN, allowing you to pass
packets up to 9220 bytes in size.
This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly
from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID'
732© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
vlanCommand Line Interface Reference Guide