
area <OSPF-AREA-ID|backbone> range IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH
area <OSPF-AREA-ID|backbone> virtual-link IP-ADDR
[transit-delay <0-3600>]
[retransmit-interval <0-3600>]
[hello-interval <1-65535>]
[dead-interval <0-2147483647>]
area <OSPF-AREA-ID|backbone> virtual-link IP-ADDR
authentication-key OCTET-STR
area <OSPF-AREA-ID|backbone> virtual-link IP-ADDR
md5-auth-key-chain CHAIN-NAME-STR
no area <OSPF-AREA-ID|backbone>
no area <OSPF-AREA-ID|backbone> range IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH
no area <OSPF-AREA-ID|backbone> virtual-link IP-ADDR
Description: Dene/remove an OSPF area, area range or virtual link.
- 'area... [normal]' command denes a normal area. Area can be
identied by a single integer or an IP address style dotted
decimal. Use address or 'backbone' keyword to specify the
backbone area.
- 'area... nssa...' denes a "not-so-stubby" area (or NSSA)
and its cost. You can specify also the metric type and/or disable
summary LSA to be sent into the area.
- 'area... stub...' denes a "stub" area and cost to use when
injecting default routes of a border router into the area. If
'no-summary' is specied then no summary LSA will be sent into
the area.
- 'area... range...' denes a range of IP addresses the area
consists of and directs to summarize routes matching the range.
If 'no-advertise' is specied then the range will not be
advertised outside the area.
- 'area... virtual-link...' denes a virtual link along with its
time duration parameters:
'transit-delay' - The estimated number of seconds it takes to
transmit a link state update packet over the link.
'retransmit-interval' - The number of seconds between link-state
advertisement retransmissions. This value is also used when
retransmitting database description and link-state request packets.
'hello-interval' - The number of seconds between the Hello packets
those the router sends to the virtual neighbor.
'dead-interval' - The number of seconds that a router's Hello
packets have not been seen before it's neighbor declares the
router down. This should be some multiple of the Hello interval.
- 'area... virtual-link... authentication-key...' - species the
authentication key to be used to maintain the virtual link. Note
that unauthenticated link need no authentication key, and simple
password authentication cannot use a key of more than 8 octets.
- 'area... virtual-link... md5-auth-key-chain...' -
species the key chain to pick keys for MD5 authentication
from and congures the virtual link to MD5 authentication.
- 'no area...' removes the entire area.
- 'no area... range...' removes the specied range.
- 'no area... virtual-link...' removes the specied virtual link,
and 'no area... virtual-link... authentication' unsets the
authentication on the link.
Next Available Options:
area-id -- Single integer or IP address style dotted decimal. (OSPF-AREA-ID) (p. 476)
475© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide