| Application |
Protocol | Port Apply rule | DSCP Priority
-------- + ----------- ---------- + ------ ----------
UDP | 23 DSCP | 000111 7
TCP | 80 DSCP | 000101 5
TCP | 914 DSCP | 000010 1
UDP | 1001-2000 DSCP | 000010 1
name (p. 426)integer-codepoint (p. 422)2-queues (p. 415)
name-string (p. 426)integer-range (p. 423)4-queues (p. 415)
port-num (p. 427)ip-addr (p. 424)8-queues (p. 415)
priority (p. 428)ip-all (p. 424)apptype (p. 415)
protocol (p. 431)ip-precedence (p. 424)binary-codepoint (p. 416)
queue-config (p. 432)ipv4 (p. 425)binary-range (p. 416)
range (p. 432)ipv4/mask (p. 425)device-priority (p. 417)
type-of-service (p. 433)ipv6 (p. 425)diff-services (p. 418)
well-defined (p. 434)ipv6/mask (p. 425)dscp (p. 418)
well-defined-codepoint (p. 453)max-port-num (p. 425)dscp-map (p. 421)
■ qos queue-config 2-queues
Set the number of outbound port queues for all switch ports.
■ qos queue-config 4-queues
Set the number of outbound port queues for all switch ports.
■ qos queue-config 8-queues
Set the number of outbound port queues for all switch ports.
■ [no] qos < udp-port | tcp-port >
Usage: [no] qos <udp|tcp> <[ipv4]|ipv6|ip-all> <TCP/UDP-PORT|range TCP/UDP-PORT
[dscp <0..63|af11|af12|af13|af21|af22|af23|af31|af32|
priority <0-7>]
Description: Congure priorities for TCP/UDP services. The priority can
be dened for packets sourced and destined to a particular
TCP/UDP service. The specied priority value will be placed
in the 802.1p priority eld of outgoing tagged packets. The
packets will also be placed in the appropriate outbound priority
queue. '7' means highest priority. If 'dscp' is specied, the
415© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
qosCommand Line Interface Reference Guide