This option displays help for any command available at the current context level.
The following documents (available on the ProCurve website) provide additional information on the
CLI commands.
Software Release Notes
Release notes provide information on new software updates:
■ New features and how to configure and use them
■ Software management, including downloading software to the switch
■ Software fixes addressed in current and previous releases
Product Notes and Software Update Information
The printed Read Me First shipped with your switch provides product notes and other information.
Installation and Getting Started Guide
Use the Installation and Getting Started Guide to prepare for and perform the physical installation.
This guide also steps you through connecting the switch to your network and assigning IP addressing,
and describes the LED indications for correct operation and trouble analysis. You can download this
guide from the ProCurve website.
Management and Configuration Guide
Use the Management and Configuration Guide for information on:
■ Using the command line (CLI), Menu interface, and web browser interface
■ Memory and configuration operation
■ IP addressing
■ Time protocols
■ Port configuration, trunking, traffic control, and PoE operation
■ Redundancy
■ SNMP, LLDP, and other network management topics
■ File transfers, switch monitoring, troubleshooting, and MAC address management
■ Resource management
■ Scalability
Access Security Guide
Use the Access Security Guide to learn how to use and configure the following access security features
available in the switch:
■ Local username and password security
■ Web-based and MAC-based authentication
■ Virus-throttling
■ RADIUS and TACACS+ authentication
■ SSH (Secure Shell) and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) operation
■ 802.1X access control
■ Port security operation with MAC-based control
■ Authorized IP Manager security
■ Access Control Lists (ACLs)
17© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
IntroductionCommand Line Interface Reference Guide