Automatic address conguration.
■ svlan VLAN-ID qos dscp < 0 to 63 >
Specify the DSCP code-point in binary.
Range: < 0 to 63 >
■ svlan VLAN-ID connection-rate-filter
Usage: connection-rate-lter unblock < host SRC-IP-ADDR | SRC-IP-ADDRESS/mask
[no] connection-rate-lter sensitivity <low|medium|high|aggressive>
Description: Re-enables access to a host or set of hosts that has been previously
blocked by the connection rate lter. Disabling or setting sensitivity
may have improved performance after rebooting the switch
Next Available Option:
■ unblock -- Resets a host previously blocked by the connection rate filter (p. 672)
■ [no] svlan VLAN-ID ipv6 address dhcp
Congure a DHCPv6 client.
Next Available Option:
■ full -- Obtain IPv6 address & Configuration information from DHCPv6 server.(p. 667)
■ svlan VLAN-ID ip address dhcp-bootp
Congure the interface to use DHCP/Bootp server to acquire parameters.
■ [no] svlan VLAN-ID dhcp-snooping
■ [no] svlan VLAN-ID ip access-group ACCESS-GROUP < in | out | connection-rate-filter | ... >
Supported Values:
■ in -- Match inbound packets
■ out -- Match outbound packets
■ connection-rate-filter -- Manage packet rates
■ vlan -- VLAN acl
■ svlan VLAN-ID qos dscp
666© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
svlanCommand Line Interface Reference Guide