■ mac-list1 -- Manage MAC address based network authentication on the device port(s).
([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 39)
■ addr-limit < 1 to 32 > -- Set the port's maximum number of authenticated MAC addresses
(default 1). (NUMBER) (p. 27)
■ addr-moves -- Set whether the MAC can move between ports (default disabled - no
moves). (p. 27)
■ auth-vid -- Configures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not
configured by default). (p. 30)
■ VLAN-ID -- Configures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not
configured by default). (VLAN-ID) (p. 54)
■ logoff-period < 1 to 9999999 > -- Set the period of time of inactivity that the switch
considers an implicit logoff (default 300 seconds). (NUMBER) (p. 36)
■ max-requests < 1 to 10 > -- Set maximum number of times the switch retransmits
authentication requests (default 3). (NUMBER) (p. 39)
■ quiet-period < 1 to 65535 > -- Set the period of time the switch does not try to
authenticate (default 60 seconds). (NUMBER) (p. 47)
■ reauthenticate -- Force re-authentication to happen. (p. 47)
■ reauth-period < 0 to 9999999 > -- Set the re-authentication timeout in seconds; set to
'0' to disable re-authentication (default 0). (NUMBER) (p. 47)
■ server-timeout < 1 to 300 > -- Set the authentication server response timeout (default
30 seconds). (NUMBER) (p. 50)
■ unauth-vid -- Configures VLAN where to keep port while there is an unauthorized client
connected (not configured by default). (p. 53)
■ VLAN-ID -- Configures VLAN where to keep port while there is an unauthorized client
connected (not configured by default). (VLAN-ID) (p. 54)
■ PORT-LIST -- Manage general port security features on the device port(s). ([ethernet] PORT-LIST)
(p. 43)
■ controlled-direction < both | in > -- Configure how traffic is controlled on non-authenticated
ports; in BOTH directions (ingress+egress) or IN only (ingress). (NUMBER) (p. 32)
■ supplicant -- Manage 802 ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 51)
■ auth-timeout < 1 to 300 > -- Set the challenge reception timeout (default 30sec.). (NUMBER)
(p. 30)
■ clear-statistics -- Clear the supplicant statistics. (p. 31)
■ held-period < 0 to 65535 > -- Set the held period (default 60sec.). (NUMBER) (p. 35)
■ identity -- Set the identity(user name) to be used by the supplicant. (ASCII-STR) (p. 35)
■ secret -- (p. 50)
■ initialize -- Reinitialize the supplicant state machine. (p. 35)
■ max-start < 1 to 10 > -- Define the maximum number of attempts taken to start
authentication (default 3). (NUMBER) (p. 40)
■ secret -- Trigger the command to ask user for a password for the supplicant to use. (p. 50)
■ start-period < 1 to 300 > -- Set a period of time between EAPOL-Start packet retransmission
(default 30sec.). (NUMBER) (p. 51)
■ web-based -- Configure web authentication based network authentication on the device or the
device's port(s) (p. 55)
■ dhcp-addr -- Set the base address / mask for the temporary pool used by DHCP (base address
default is, mask default is 24 - (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 33)
■ dhcp-lease < 5 to 25 > -- Set the lease length of the IP address issued by DHCP (default 10).
(NUMBER) (p. 33)
■ ewa-server -- IP address or hostname of the enhanced web authentication server on the
device. (p. 34)
■ host-name -- Hostname of the enhanced web auth server. (ASCII-STR) (p. 35)
■ page-path -- Sets the path of the login pages to be found on the ewa server.
(ASCII-STR) (p. 42)
24© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide