■ router pim rp-candidate source-ip-vlan VLAN-ID group-prefix
Specify the multicast group prex to associate with the Candidate-RP router.
Next Available Option:
■ GROUP-ADDR/GROUP-MASK -- Enter the address and mask to define the multicast group
range. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 479)
■ [no] router pim rp-candidate group-prefix
Specify the multicast group prex to associate with the Candidate-RP router.
Next Available Option:
■ GROUP-ADDR/GROUP-MASK -- Enter the address and mask to define the multicast group
range. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 479)
■ router pim bsr-candidate hash-mask-length < 1 to 32 >
Specify the length (in bits) of the hash mask.
Range: < 1 to 32 >
■ router ospf area OSPF-AREA-ID virtual-link IP-ADDR hello-interval < 1 to 65535 >
Set hello interval in seconds; the default is 10.
Range: < 1 to 65535 >
■ router ospf area backbone virtual-link IP-ADDR hello-interval < 1 to 65535 >
Set hello interval in seconds; the default is 10.
Range: < 1 to 65535 >
■ router pim rp-candidate hold-time < 30 to 255 >
Specify the hold time value to be send in C-RP-Adv messages.
Range: < 30 to 255 >
■ [no] router ospf distance inter-area < 1 to 255 >
Set administrative distance to associate with inter-area routes learned by OSPF.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
■ [no] router ospf distance intra-area < 1 to 255 >
Set administrative distance to associate with intra-area routes learned by OSPF.
480© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide