unauth-vid (p. 53)NUMBER-OF-CLIENTS (p. 42)control (p. 32)
update (p. 54)page-path (p. 42)controlled-direction (p. 32)
VLAN-ID (p. 54)periodic (p. 42)dhcp-addr (p. 33)
web (p. 54)port-access (p. 42)dhcp-lease (p. 33)
web-authvid (p. 55)PORT-LIST (p. 43)enable (p. 33)
web-based (p. 55)primary (p. 44)ewa-server (p. 34)
web-list1 (p. 57)primary_method (p. 47)exec (p. 34)
web-redirect-url (p. 58)privilege-mode (p. 47)gvrp-vlans (p. 34)
web-unauthvid (p. 58)quiet-period (p. 47)held-period (p. 35)
reauthenticate (p. 47)host-name (p. 35)
■ aaa accounting
Usage: [no] aaa accounting <exec|network|system|commands>
[no] aaa accounting update periodic <number>
[no] aaa accounting suppress null-username
Description: Congure accounting parameters on the switch. The rst form
of the command can be used to specify a type of accounting,
how accounting session will be started and ended, and the method
used for accounting. The second form can be used to indicate of
whether the send interim accounting records mechanism needs to be
activated and how to issue an update of accounting records.
The third form can be used to suppress accounting when an unknown
user with no username accesses the switch
o exec - Provides information about user EXEC terminal
sessions (user shells) on the switch.
o network - Provides information about 8021x sessions.
o system - Provides information about all system-level events,
such as the system reboots or accounting turned
o commands - Provides information about commands executed on the
o start-stop - Send a start record accounting notice at the
beginning and a stop record notice at the end of the
accounting session. Do not wait for acknowledgement.
o stop-only - Send a stop record accounting notice at the end of
the accounting session.Do not wait for
o radius - Use RADIUS as the accounting protocol
accounting information is available.
o update periodic <number> - Send accounting update records at
regular intervals given by 'number' (in minutes).
o suppress null-username - suppress accounting when a user with
no username accesses the switch
Next Available Options:
■ commands -- Configure 'commands' type of accounting(p. 31)
■ exec -- Configure 'exec' type of accounting(p. 34)
■ network -- Configure 'network' type of accounting(p. 41)
■ suppress -- Do not generate accounting records for a specific type of user. (p. 52)
■ system -- Configure 'system' type of accounting(p. 52)
■ update -- Configure update accounting records mechanism(p. 54)
26© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide