■ [no] router ospf area OSPF-AREA-ID virtual-link IP-ADDR
Specify a virtual neighbor.
Next Available Options:
■ transit-delay < 1 to 3600 > -- Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.(p. 489)
■ retransmit-interval < 1 to 3600 > -- Set retransmit interval in seconds; the default is 5.(p. 486)
■ hello-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set hello interval in seconds; the default is 10.(p. 480)
■ dead-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set dead interval in seconds; the default is 40.(p. 478)
■ authentication-key -- Set simple authentication method and key.(p. 476)
■ authentication -- Disable authentication.(p. 476)
■ md5-auth-key-chain -- Set MD5 authentication method and key chain.(p. 481)
■ [no] router ospf area backbone virtual-link IP-ADDR
Specify a virtual neighbor.
Next Available Options:
■ transit-delay < 1 to 3600 > -- Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.(p. 489)
■ retransmit-interval < 1 to 3600 > -- Set retransmit interval in seconds; the default is 5.(p. 486)
■ hello-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set hello interval in seconds; the default is 10.(p. 480)
■ dead-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set dead interval in seconds; the default is 40.(p. 478)
■ authentication-key -- Set simple authentication method and key.(p. 476)
■ authentication -- Disable authentication.(p. 476)
■ md5-auth-key-chain -- Set MD5 authentication method and key chain.(p. 481)
■ [no] router vrrp
Usage: [no] router vrrp [traps]
Description: Enable/disable/congure Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
on the device.
Next Available Option:
■ traps -- Enable/disable generation of VRRP traps(p. 491)
492© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide