■ [no] ip directed-broadcast
Usage: [no] ip directed-broadcast
Description: Enable/disable directed broadcast forwarding.
■ ip route IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH IP-ADDR distance < 1 to 255 >
Set the administrative distance to associate with this static route.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
■ ip route IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH vlan VLAN-ID distance < 1 to 255 >
Set the administrative distance to associate with this static route.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
■ ip route IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH reject distance < 1 to 255 >
Set the administrative distance to associate with this static route.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
■ ip route IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH blackhole distance < 1 to 255 >
Set the administrative distance to associate with this static route.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
■ [no] ip dns
Usage: [no] ip dns domain-name <domain-name>
[no] ip dns server-address priority <PRIORITY> [IP-ADDR|IPV6-ADDR]
Description: Congure the DNS (Domain Name System) default domain sufx
and the name server IP address for translation of hostnames
to IP addresses.
No additional parameters are required when 'no' is specied.
o domain-name <domain-name> - The default domain sufx.
o server-address priority <PRIORITY> [IP-ADDR|IPV6-ADDR]
<PRIORITY> priority of the domain name server address.
[IP-ADDR|IPV6-ADDR] IPv4 or IPv6 address.
Next Available Options:
■ domain-name -- Configure default domain suffix.(p. 298)
■ server-address -- Configure DNS server IP address.(p. 308)
■ [no] ip dns domain-name
Congure default domain sufx.
298© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ipCommand Line Interface Reference Guide