Device DiscoveryCategory:
configPrimary context:
show lldp (page 566)Related Commands
Usage:lldp ...
Description: Conguration for LLDP parameter. Provides a standards-based method
for enabling the switches to advertise themselves to adjacent devices
and to learn about adjacent LLDP devices.
You can also congure the Media Extension Discovery (MED) extension
to LLDP for Voice over IP (VoIP) devices.
■ lldp admin-status -- Set the port in one of the operational mode transmit | receive | transmit &
receive | disable the port ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 353)
■ omodes < TxOnly | RxOnly | Tx_Rx | ... > -- Set the operational mode: transmit | receive |
transmit-receive | disable. (NUMBER) (p. 358)
■ lldp auto-provision -- Configure various parameters related to lldp automatic provisioning (p. 353)
■ radio-ports -- Configure various parameters related to automatic provisioning for the radio-port
application (p. 358)
■ auto-vlan -- Create a VLAN, with the specified VLAN id value, to be used as the radio-ports
controller auto-generated VLAN. (p. 354)
■ auto-vlan < 2 to 4094 > -- Create a VLAN, with the specified VLAN id value, to be used
as the radio-ports controller auto-generated VLAN. (VLAN-ID) (p. 354)
■ auto -- (p. 353)
■ vlan-base < 2 to 4094 > -- Assign the default value of the VLAN id to be used if an
auto-generated VLAN is created for a radio-port application. (VLAN-ID) (p. 359)
■ lldp config -- Specify configurational parameters to the port ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 355)
■ basicTlvEnable < port_descr | system_name | system_descr | ... > -- Specify the Basic TLV List
to be advertised. (NUMBER) (p. 354)
■ dot1TlvEnable -- Specify the 802.1 TLV List to be advertised. (p. 356)
■ vlan-name -- Specify that the VLAN name TLV is to be advertised. (p. 359)
■ dot3TlvEnable < macphy_config > -- Specify the 802.3 TLV List to be advertised. (NUMBER)
(p. 356)
■ ipAddrEnable -- Set IP ADDR to be enabled. (p. 357)
■ lldp-ip -- Set IPV4 ADDR to be enabled. (IP-ADDR) (p. 357)
■ lldp-ipv6 -- Set IPV6 ADDR to be enabled. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 357)
■ medPortLocation -- Configure location-id information to be advertised. (p. 357)
■ civic-addr -- Specify the civic location-id information to be advertised (p. 355)
■ COUNTRY -- Specify the Country Code of two characters. (ASCII-STR) (p. 356)
■ WHAT -- Specify the 'what' number of range <0-2>. (NUMBER) (p. 359)
■ CA-TYPE -- Specify the ca-type value of range <0-255>. (NUMBER) (p. 354)
■ CA-VALUE -- Specify the ca-value string. (ASCII-STR) (p. 354)
■ elin-addr -- Specify the elin address location to be advertised. (p. 356)
■ addr -- Specify the Location name to be advertised. (OCTET-STR) (p. 353)
■ medTlvEnable < capabilities | network_policy | location_id | ... > -- Specify the MED TLV List
to be advertised. (NUMBER) (p. 357)
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