
Device DiscoveryCategory:
configPrimary context:
show lldp (page 566)Related Commands
Usage:lldp ...
Description: Conguration for LLDP parameter. Provides a standards-based method
for enabling the switches to advertise themselves to adjacent devices
and to learn about adjacent LLDP devices.
You can also congure the Media Extension Discovery (MED) extension
to LLDP for Voice over IP (VoIP) devices.
lldp admin-status -- Set the port in one of the operational mode transmit | receive | transmit &
receive | disable the port ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 353)
omodes < TxOnly | RxOnly | Tx_Rx | ... > -- Set the operational mode: transmit | receive |
transmit-receive | disable. (NUMBER) (p. 358)
lldp auto-provision -- Configure various parameters related to lldp automatic provisioning (p. 353)
radio-ports -- Configure various parameters related to automatic provisioning for the radio-port
application (p. 358)
auto-vlan -- Create a VLAN, with the specified VLAN id value, to be used as the radio-ports
controller auto-generated VLAN. (p. 354)
auto-vlan < 2 to 4094 > -- Create a VLAN, with the specified VLAN id value, to be used
as the radio-ports controller auto-generated VLAN. (VLAN-ID) (p. 354)
auto -- (p. 353)
vlan-base < 2 to 4094 > -- Assign the default value of the VLAN id to be used if an
auto-generated VLAN is created for a radio-port application. (VLAN-ID) (p. 359)
lldp config -- Specify configurational parameters to the port ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 355)
basicTlvEnable < port_descr | system_name | system_descr | ... > -- Specify the Basic TLV List
to be advertised. (NUMBER) (p. 354)
dot1TlvEnable -- Specify the 802.1 TLV List to be advertised. (p. 356)
vlan-name -- Specify that the VLAN name TLV is to be advertised. (p. 359)
dot3TlvEnable < macphy_config > -- Specify the 802.3 TLV List to be advertised. (NUMBER)
(p. 356)
ipAddrEnable -- Set IP ADDR to be enabled. (p. 357)
lldp-ip -- Set IPV4 ADDR to be enabled. (IP-ADDR) (p. 357)
lldp-ipv6 -- Set IPV6 ADDR to be enabled. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 357)
medPortLocation -- Configure location-id information to be advertised. (p. 357)
civic-addr -- Specify the civic location-id information to be advertised (p. 355)
COUNTRY -- Specify the Country Code of two characters. (ASCII-STR) (p. 356)
WHAT -- Specify the 'what' number of range <0-2>. (NUMBER) (p. 359)
CA-TYPE -- Specify the ca-type value of range <0-255>. (NUMBER) (p. 354)
CA-VALUE -- Specify the ca-value string. (ASCII-STR) (p. 354)
elin-addr -- Specify the elin address location to be advertised. (p. 356)
addr -- Specify the Location name to be advertised. (OCTET-STR) (p. 353)
medTlvEnable < capabilities | network_policy | location_id | ... > -- Specify the MED TLV List
to be advertised. (NUMBER) (p. 357)
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