configPrimary context:
Related Commands
Usage: [no] dhcp-snooping
Description: Enable/Disable the global administrative status of
DHCP snooping. No snooping will be performed on
any VLAN if the global administrative status is disabled.
The default state is disabled.
■ [no] dhcp-snooping authorized-server -- Configure valid DHCP Servers (p. 167)
■ NONAME2 -- DHCP Server address. (IP-ADDR) (p. 168)
■ [no] dhcp-snooping database -- Configure lease database transfer options (p. 167)
■ delay < 15 to 86400 > -- Seconds to delay writing to the lease database file. (p. 168)
■ file -- URL Format: "tftp://<ip-address>/<filename>". (ASCII-STR) (p. 168)
■ timeout < 0 to 86400 > -- Seconds to wait for the transfer before failing. (p. 169)
■ [no] dhcp-snooping option -- Configure DHCP snooping operational behavior (p. 168)
■ 82 -- (p. 166)
■ remote-id < mac | subnet-ip | mgmt-ip > -- Set relay information option remote-id value to
use. (NUMBER) (p. 169)
■ untrusted-policy < drop | keep | replace > -- Policy for DHCP packets received on untrusted
ports thatcontain option 82. (NUMBER) (p. 169)
■ [no] dhcp-snooping trust -- Configure trusted interfaces (p. 169)
■ port-list -- ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 169)
■ [no] dhcp-snooping verify -- Enable/Disable DHCP packet validation (p. 169)
■ mac -- Verify DHCP header client hardware address. (p. 168)
■ dhcp-snooping vlan -- Enable/Disable snooping on a VLAN (VLAN-ID-RANGE) (p. 170)
■ vlan-list -- (VLAN-ID-RANGE) (p. 170)
untrusted-policy (p. 169)NONAME2 (p. 168)82 (p. 166)
verify (p. 169)option (p. 168)authorized-server (p. 167)
vlan (p. 170)port-list (p. 169)database (p. 167)
vlan-list (p. 170)remote-id (p. 169)delay (p. 168)
timeout (p. 169)file (p. 168)
trust (p. 169)mac (p. 168)
■ [no] dhcp-snooping option 82
Next Available Options:
■ untrusted-policy < drop | keep | replace > -- Policy for DHCP packets received on untrusted
ports thatcontain option 82. (NUMBER) (p. 169)
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