Copy data to specied conguration le.
Next Available Options:
■ unix -- Change CR/LF to unix style.(p. 131)
■ pc -- Change CR/LF to PC style.(p. 120)
■ copy config < config1 | config2 | config3 >
Copy named conguration le.
Supported Values:
■ config1
■ config2
■ config3
Next Available Options:
■ config -- Copy data to specified configuration file. (ASCII-STR) (p. 106)
■ tftp -- Copy data to a TFTP server.(p. 124)
■ xmodem -- Use xmodem on the terminal as the data destination.(p. 135)
■ copy config < config1 | config2 | config3 > config CONFIG
Copy data to specied conguration le.
■ copy crash-data
Copy the switch crash data le.
Next Available Options:
■ card -- Enter single slot identifier. (SLOT-ID-RANGE) (p. 105)
■ mm -- Copy from the management card.(p. 119)
■ tftp -- Copy data to a TFTP server.(p. 124)
■ xmodem -- Use xmodem on the terminal as the data destination.(p. 135)
■ usb -- Copy data to a USB flash drive.(p. 133)
■ copy crash-log
Copy the switch log le.
Next Available Options:
■ card -- Enter single slot identifier. (SLOT-ID-RANGE) (p. 105)
■ mm -- Copy from the management card.(p. 119)
■ tftp -- Copy data to a TFTP server.(p. 124)
■ xmodem -- Use xmodem on the terminal as the data destination.(p. 135)
■ usb -- Copy data to a USB flash drive.(p. 133)
■ copy tftp flash IP-ADDR FILENAME < primary | secondary >
107© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
copyCommand Line Interface Reference Guide