
[no] logging IP-ADDR
Usage: [no] logging <IP-ADDR> [control-descr <text string>]
[no] logging priority-descr <text-string>
[no] logging facility <facility>
[no] logging severity <severity>
[no] logging system-module <module>
Description: Add an IP address to the list of receiving syslog servers.
Use of 'no' without an IP address specied will remove all
IP addresses from the list of syslog receivers. If an IP
address is specied, that receiver will be removed.
- Specify syslog server facility with <facility>. 'no
logging facility <facility>' sets facility back to defaults.
- Specify severity for event messages to be ltered to the
syslog server with <severity>. 'no logging severity
<severity>' sets severity back to default.
- Event messages of specied system module will be sent to
the syslog server. 'no' sends messages from all system
modules. Messages are 1st ltered by selected severity.
Next Available Option:
control-descr -- A text string associated with the given IP-ADDr(p. 364)
[no] logging priority-descr
Usage: [no] logging priority-descr <text string>
Description: A text string associated with the values of
facility, severity, and system-module. 'no' replaces
the string with a zero length string
The length of the string is limited to 255 characters.
Next Available Option:
priority-descr -- A text string associated with the values of facility, severity, and system-module
(ASCII-STR) (p. 365)
logging priority-descr PRIORITY-DESCR
Usage: [no] logging priority-descr <text string>
Description: A text string associated with the values of
facility, severity, and system-module. 'no' replaces
the string with a zero length string
The length of the string is limited to 255 characters.
365© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
loggingCommand Line Interface Reference Guide