Next Available Option:
■ VLAN-ID -- Configures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not configured
by default). (VLAN-ID) (p. 54)
■ [no] aaa port-access web-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST auth-vid
Congures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not congured
by default).
Next Available Option:
■ web-authvid -- Configures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not
configured by default). (VLAN-ID) (p. 55)
■ aaa port-access authenticator [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST clear-statistics
Clear the authenticator statistics.
■ aaa port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST clear-statistics
Clear the supplicant statistics.
■ [no] aaa port-access authenticator [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST client-limit
Set the maximum number of clients to allow on the port.
Next Available Option:
■ NUMBER-OF-CLIENTS < 1 to 32 > -- Set the maximum number of clients to allow on the port.
(NUMBER) (p. 42)
■ aaa port-access web-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST client-limit < 1 to 32 >
Set the port's maximum number of authenticated clients (default 1).
Range: < 1 to 32 >
■ [no] aaa port-access web-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST client-moves
Set whether the client can move between ports (default disabled - no moves).
■ [no] aaa accounting commands
Usage: [no] aaa accounting commands <stop-only> <radius>
Description: Congure 'commands' type of accounting.
o stop-only - Send a record accounting notice after the execution
of command.
o radius - Use RADIUS as the accounting protocol.
31© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide