Usage: show ip rip redistribute
Description: List protocols which are being redistributed into RIP.
■ show redundancy
Usage: show redundancy
Description: Display redundant information for Management and Fabric Modules.
■ show lldp info remote-device
Show LLDP remote device information.
Next Available Option:
■ port-list -- Show remote or local device information for the specified ports. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
■ show access-list resources
Display ACL Rules/Masks availability.
■ show qos resources
Usage: show qos resources
Description: Show the qos resources.
■ show policy resources
Usage: show policy resources
Description: Show the policy resources.
■ show instrumentation resptime
Usage: show instrumentation resptime
Description: show service response time data for performance
sensitive operations registered for response time
Next Available Option:
■ option -- Filter response time metrics shown to those services whose name contains the
specified substring of up to 16 chars. (ASCII-STR) (p. 574)
585© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide