bsm-interval < 5 to 300 > -- Specify the interval for sending Bootstrap messages on PIM-SM
interfaces. (p. 477)
■ hash-mask-length < 1 to 32 > -- Specify the length (in bits) of the hash mask. (p. 480)
■ priority < 0 to 255 > -- Specify the priority for the Candidate Bootstrap router. (p. 484)
■ source-ip-vlan -- Specify the VLAN to use as a source for Candidate-BSR router IP address
(PIM-SM must be enabled on this VLAN). (VLAN-ID) (p. 488)
■ join-prune-interval < 5 to 65535 > -- Configure interval at which the router will send periodic
PIM-SM Join/Prune messages (p. 481)
■ rp-address -- Statically configure the Rendezvous Point (RP) to accept multicast traffic for
specified group or range of groups (p. 487)
■ IP-ADDR -- Specify the IP address of the static RP. (IP-ADDR) (p. 481)
■ GROUP-ADDR/GROUP-MASK -- Specify the range of multicast group addresses
associated with the static RP. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 479)
■ override -- Specify whether or not static RP configuration precedes the information
learned by a BSR. (p. 484)
■ rp-candidate -- Configure router to advertise itself as the Candidate Rendezvous Point
(Candidate-RP) to the Bootstrap Router (BSR) (p. 487)
■ group-prefix -- Specify the multicast group prefix to associate with the Candidate-RP router.
(p. 480)
■ GROUP-ADDR/GROUP-MASK -- Enter the address and mask to define the multicast
group range. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 479)
■ hold-time < 30 to 255 > -- Specify the hold time value to be send in C-RP-Adv messages.
(p. 480)
■ priority < 0 to 255 > -- Specify the priority for the Candidate-RP router. (p. 484)
■ source-ip-vlan -- Specify the VLAN to use as a source for Candidate-RP router IP address
(PIM-SM must be enabled on this VLAN). (VLAN-ID) (p. 488)
■ group-prefix -- Specify the multicast group prefix to associate with the Candidate-RP
router. (p. 480)
■ GROUP-ADDR/GROUP-MASK -- Enter the address and mask to define the multicast
group range. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 479)
■ spt-threshold -- Specify whether switching to the Shortest Path Tree is enabled or disabled on
the router (p. 488)
■ state-refresh < 10 to 300 > -- Set the interval between successive State Refresh messages
originated by this router (p. 489)
■ trap < neighbor-loss | hardware-mrt-full | software-mrt-full | ... > -- Enable/disable PIM traps
(p. 489)
■ [no] router rip -- Enable/disable/configure Routing Internet Protocol (RIP) on the device, or enter
RIP Configuration Context (p. 486)
■ auto-summary -- Enable/disable advertisement of summarized routes (p. 476)
■ default-metric < 1 to 15 > -- Set default metric for imported routes (p. 478)
■ distance < 1 to 255 > -- Set administrative distance for routes learned via RIP (p. 479)
■ redistribute < connected | static | ospf > -- Specify source protocols which will be redistributed
into RIP (p. 485)
■ restrict -- Prevent redistribution of routes via RIP (p. 485)
■ ip-addr -- Prevent redistribution of routes via RIP (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 481)
■ [no] router vrrp -- Enable/disable/configure Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) on the
device (p. 492)
■ traps -- Enable/disable generation of VRRP traps (p. 491)
Example: router vrrp
Configure VRRP and display:
473© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide