Specify the ca-value string.
■ [no] lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST medPortLocation civic-addr
Usage: lldp cong <port-list> medPortLocation civic-str <COUNTRY-STR>
Description: Specify the civic location-id information to be advertised.
The total length of the TLV is 104.
COUNTRY-STR : Set the Country Code of two characters.e.g. DE or US.
WHAT : Set the 'what' number of range <0-2>.
0 - Location of DHCP server.
1 - Location of Switch.
2 - Location of Client.
CA-TYPE : Set the ca-type of range <0-255>.
It is a repeatable parameter.ca-type should be unique.
ca-type sholud be followed by ca-value.
CA-VALUE : Set the ca-value string.
Next Available Option:
■ COUNTRY -- Specify the Country Code of two characters. (ASCII-STR) (p. 356)
■ lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Usage: [no] lldp cong <PORT-LIST> <basicTlvEnable TLVMAP |
dot1TlvEnable vlan-name |
dot3TlvEnable TLVMAP |
ipAddrEnable <IPV4-ADDR | IPV6-ADDR> |
medPortLocation ... |
medTlvEnable TLVMAP>
Description: Specify congurational parameters to the port.
Set basicTlvEnable with any one of the following TLV Maps.
port_descr : Send Port Description TLV out this port.
system_name : Send System Name TLV out this port.
system_descr : Send System Descr TLV out this port.
system_cap : Send Capability TLV out this port.
Set dot1TlvEnable with the following TLVs.
vlan_name : Enable VLAN name TLV out the given port(s).
Set dot3TlvEnable with the following TLV Map.
macphy_cong : Send Mac Phy Cong TLV out this port.
Set ipAddrEnable with the IP-ADDR to send out this port.
Set medPortLocation with location information for the port.
civic-addr : Set civic address to send out this port.
elin-addr : Set elin address to send out this port.
Set medTlvEnable with any one of the following TLV Maps.
capabilities : Send Capability TLV out this port.This TLV has
to be enabled rst to enable any MED TLV's.
network_policy : Send Network Policy TLV out this port.
location_id : Send Location Id TLV out this port.
poe : Send Med Poe TLV out this port.
355© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
lldpCommand Line Interface Reference Guide