FPD-7024 Panel Display
Panel Display Message Definition
SYSTEM TROUBLE General trouble message. Refer to second line of the display for
more information.
TRBL OPEN LNAC A Local NAC circuit is open. Check the field wiring and the EOL
TRBL OPEN RNAC An FPD‑7038 Remote NAC circuit is open. Check the field wiring
and the EOL resistor.
TRBL OPT BUS@XX A wiring fault on option bus terminals 7 to 14, as well as specific
address problems with option bus devices occurred. Check the
wiring for the specific device address shown.
An overexisting condition on one of the NAC circuits occurred.
Check the field wiring on the notification appliances for shorts.
TRBL SHRT LNAC A short on the Local NAC circuit occurred.
TRBL SHRT RNAC A short on the FPD‑7038 Remote NAC circuit occurred.
TROUBLE AC FAIL AC power failure to the control panel. Check the circuit breaker or
fuse for AC power problem.
TROUBLE ANN Trouble with one or more annunciators connected to the control
TROUBLE COMM FLT A communicator problem occurred. Check the control panel’s
phone lines and programming for the communicator problem.
TROUBLE EEPROM An EEPROM failure occurred. Call for service immediately.
TROUBLE EXP An FPD‑7034 Four Zone Expander board problem occurred. Ensure
that the FPD‑7034 is properly connected to the FPD‑7024 PCB.
TROUBLE GRND FLT A ground fault problem occurred. Ensure that no control panel
wiring is shorted to the earth ground.
TROUBLE KPAD@XX A specific keypad address failure occurred. Check the keypad’s
wiring and address settings.
TROUBLE LOW BATT The control panel’s battery charger is not working, or the backup
batteries are missing.
TROUBLE MUX CLASS A A failure on the MUX wiring in Class A mode occurred. Check the
wiring for shorts or opens.
TROUBLE PHONE A problem with the control panel’s phone lines occurred. Check the
phone wiring and line monitor programming.
TROUBLE RELAY@XX One of the control panel’s auxiliary relays might be shorted.
TROUBLE SMK PWR A short on the smoke power terminals 24 and 25 occurred.
WFLOW DSBL PT Waterflow point is disabled from the keypad.
WFLW TRBL PT XXX Trouble with a waterflow or sprinkler point occurred.
Table 10.2: Control panel display
Fire Alarm Control Panels Appendices | en 101
Bosch Security System, Inc. Installation and Operation Manual 2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458