Configuring the interpretation system
̈ Configure the following options according to your conference
y Autofloor
y Mode between booths
y Mode in booths
For information on the auto-floor function, see “Enabling the auto-
relay interpretation function (Auto-floor)” on page 101 of the
SDC 8200 system manual; for information on the operating modes
between or within the interpreter booths, see “Configuring the
operating mode between booths” on page 98 and “Configuring the
operating mode within a booth” on page 99 of the SDC 8200 system
̈ Click the “OK” button.
The “Desk Language Assignment” window opens (see “Assigning
languages to the interpreter booths” on page 94).
Opening an interpretation configuration
To open an existing interpretation configuration:
̈ From the “File” menu, choose “Open...” or click the “Open
Configuration” button in the “Interpreter Management” window.
The “Open Configuration” window opens.
̈ Click the configuration you want to open and confirm your selection by
clicking the “OK” button.
The “Desk Language Assignment” window opens (see “Assigning
languages to the interpreter booths” on page 94).