Configuring the conference system
Speech Timer y Automatic limiting of the speaking time (see “Configuring the speaker
limit” on page 49)
TCP/IP address
y Configuration of the network PCs as master, slave or video PC (see
“Configuring the PC in a network” on page 44)
Autostart y Autostart configuration and file paths of the synopic view and the
delegate database (see “Configuring the startup options” on page 43)
Path voting
Path copy
Path data
y File paths of the log and safety files (see “Configuring the log files” on
page 47)
Sound y File paths of the sound files (see “Configuring acoustic signals” on
page 45)
The “CU” tab
Mode y Configuration of the conference mode (see “Configuring the conference
mode” on page 48)
Max. Micro ON y Max. number of simultaneously active consoles (see “Configuring the
speaker limit” on page 49)
Connection to CU y Connection to the central unit (on or off)
COM Port PC y Configuration and test of the connection between the central unit and
the PC (see “Configuring the COM port” on page 49)