Sennheiser SDC 8200 SYS-M Water System User Manual

If problems occur...
If problems occur...
The conference and interpretation system does not react on the software
If the “No Communication” dialog box appears:
̈ See “Configuring communication with the central unit” on page 49.
̈ See “Setting the correct starting options” on page 19.
If the “Insert dongle and try again” dialog box appears:
̈ See “Connecting the dongle” on page 18.
If the “Waiting for master...” dialog box appears when the program is
started for the first time:
̈ See “Setting the correct starting options” on page 19.
If the “Waiting for master...” dialog box appears when the program is
started for the second time or later:
̈ See “Configuring the PC in a network” on page 44 and “Configuring the
COM port” on page 49.
Some consoles do not work
̈ Check if there are entries in the “#Errors” box of the control palette or
if consoles are displayed in yellow in the synoptic view.
̈ Make sure that these consoles are connected correctly.
̈ If correctly connected consoles are displayed in yellow in the synotic
view, these consoles are defective and have to be replaced.