Configuring the conference system
̈ In the “Color” window, click the desired color or define your own color.
The foreground color is changed.
To change the background color:
̈ In the color palette, double-click the background color box (shown in
white in the example screenshot).
The “Color” window opens.
̈ In the “Color” window, click the desired color or define your own color.
The background color is changed.
To undo the last drawing operation:
̈ From the “Edit” menu, choose “Undo“
or press the key combination Ctrl + Z .
The last drawing operation is undone.
To redo the last undone drawing operation:
̈ From the “Edit” menu, choose “Redo“
or press the key combination Ctrl + Y.
The last undone drawing operation is redone.
To cut a selected area:
̈ From the “Edit” menu, choose “Cut“
or press the key combination Ctrl + X.
The selected area is cut and saved on the clipboard.
To copy the selected area to the clipboard:
̈ From the “Edit” menu, choose “Copy“
or press the key combination Ctrl + C.
The selected area is copied to the clipboard.
To paste the cut or copied area from the clipboard onto the canvas:
̈ From the “Edit” menu, choose “Paste“
or press the key combination Ctrl + “V”.
The cut or copied area is pasted to the upper left corner of the canvas.
To delete the selected area:
̈ From the “Edit” menu, choose “Delete“
or press the “Del” key.
The selected area is deleted.
To set the border style for a drawing object:
̈ From the “Format” menu, choose “Border Style”.
Set the border style of a drawing object.
y Solid: solid line
y Dash: dashed line
y Dot: dotted line
y DashDot: dashdot line
y DashDotDot: dashdotdot line