Concord Ultra
The following sections describe the timer settings that appear under PARTITION 1-2.
Next Phone Test (0303)
Timers-Global (Default = 7 days)
This setting is used by the Auto Phone Test feature (see
) to determine when the next automatic phone
test should occur. This setting should be the same as, or less than,
the Phone Test Freq. setting.
For UL 1635 listed installations, this feature must be set to 1.
¾To set the Next Phone Test:
1. With the display showing NEXT PHONE TEST nnn DAYS
(current setting), enter the number of days (1–255).
The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Output Trip Time (0304)
Timers-Global (Default 4 sec.)
This setting determines how long outputs
are activated when tripped (if they are con-
figured for a momentary response).
To set the Output Trip Time:
1. With the display showing OUTPUT TRIP TIME nn SECS (current setting), enter
the number of seconds (1–12). The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Activity Timeout (0305)
Timers-Global (Default = 24 hours)
This setting determines when the system sends a “no
activity” report. The panel can be set to wait from 1–
42 hours. If no user interaction or device activation
occurs in that time, the panel sends a report to the
central station.
To set the Activity Timeout:
1. With the display showing ACTIVITY TIMEOUT nn HOURS (current
setting), enter the number of hours (1–42). The display flashes the
entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Daylight Saving (0306)
Timers-Global (Default = on)
When this setting is on, the panel clock automati-
cally adjusts for daylight saving time changes.
To turn Daylight Saving off or on:
1. With the display showing DAYLIGHT SAVING OFF/ON (current set-
ting), press 1 (off) or 2 (on). The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Entry Delay (partition 1: 0310, partition 2: 0320)
Timers-Partition 1-2 (Default = 30 sec.)
This setting determines how much time the user has to dis-
arm the system (after entering the armed premises through a
“designated delay door”) without causing an alarm.
For residential UL Listed installations, the Entry Delay must be
set to 45 seconds or less. The combined time for the Entry Delay
and Dialer Abort Delay (02006) must not exceed 60 seconds.
¾To set the Entry Delay:
1. With the display showing ENTRY DELAY nnn SECS (current
setting), enter the desired time value (30–240 using 8-sec-
ond intervals). The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Exit Delay (partition 1: 0311, partition 2: 0321)
Timers-Partition 1-2 (Default = 60 sec.)
This setting determines how much time the user has (after
arming the system) to leave the premises through a “desig-
nated delay door” without causing an alarm.
For UL 1023 listed installations, this feature must be set to 60
seconds or less.
¾To set the Exit Delay:
1. With the display showing EXIT DELAY nnn SECS (current
setting), enter the desired time value (45–184 using 8-sec-
ond intervals). The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.