Concord Ultra 36
Timers Menu
The TIMERS menu lets you set up the various system feature times that affect the whole system
(global) or a specific partition.
The following describes how to program the timer settings that appear under
Phone Access Key (partition 1: 0216, partition 2: 0226)
Phone Options-Partition 1-2 (Default = #)
This setting determines which touch-tone phone button is used for system
access and control.
If the Local Phone Control feature is enabled, the user can pick up the
phone and press # (within 5 seconds) to access the security system. The
panel seizes the phone line and waits for the user to enter system com-
mands. Phone access can be changed from # to * (see the following note).
Use the default setting (#) to avoid conflicts between the security system and
other phone devices and services. Many phone devices (such as answering
machines, computer modems, and FAX machines) and services (such as call-
waiting, call-forwarding, and some banking transactions) require * to initiate
their operation, so using * for this security feature could cause conflicts.
¾To change the Phone Access Key:
1. With the desired partition selected, press A or
B until the display shows
#/* (current setting).
2. Press 1 (for *) or 2 (for #). The display flashes
the entered setting.
3. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Supervisory Time (0300)
Timers-Global (Default = random between 01:00 and 04:00)
This setting determines what time of day the panel
sends supervisory, low battery, or auto phone test
reports to the central station.
The panel clock must be set with the correct time for accu-
rate supervisory time reporting. See “Time and Date Menu”.
¾To set the Supervisory Time:
1. With the display showing SUPERVISORY TIME HH:MM (current
setting), enter the desired 4-digit time value. For example,
enter 0330 to set the supervisory time for 3:30
A.M. The display
flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
RF Tx Timeout (0301)
Timers-Global (Default = 12 hours)
This setting determines how many hours (2–24) the
panel has to receive at least one signal from a wireless
sensor (learned into a supervised group). If the panel
does not receive a signal from any supervised wireless
sensor within the set time, the panel reports a supervi-
sory condition to the central station.
For ULUL 985 & 1635 listed installations, the RF Tx Timeout
must be set to 4 hours. For UL 1023 listed installations, the
RF Tx Timeout must be set to 24 hours.
¾To set the RF Tx Timeout:
1. With the display showing RF TX TIMEOUT nn HOURS (current
setting), enter the desired timeout value (2–24). The display
flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Phone Test Freq. (0302)
Timers-Global (Default = 7 days)
This setting determines how often the panel conducts the auto-
matic phone test (see “Auto Phone Test” under
). The system can be set to perform an auto-
matic phone test anywhere from every day to every 255 days.
For UL 1635 listed installations, this feature must be set to 1.
¾To set the Phone Test Freq:
1. With the display showing PHONE TEST FREQ nnn DAYS
(current setting), enter the number of days (1–255). The
display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.