Pelco C1554M-A (4/05) Home Security System User Manual

C1554M-A (4/05) 53
If there is archived video for the currently switched camera, the archived video from that camera appears. VMX300(-E) cues the video to the
date/time selected in the window’s Event Picker if one is selected; otherwise, VMX300(-E) cues the video at or near the current time.
For instructions on locating archived video, refer Working with Archived Video in the Controlling a DX9000 Series DVR section, which can be found
in subsequent pages.
DX8000 Gadget for Archived Video
When the custom window is in Archived Video mode, the DX8000 canvas gadget provides the tools described below. The date and time of the
recorded video appears at the left of the gadget.
Figure 50. DX8000 Gadget for Archived Video
Saving Video to CD
1. Drag the desired camera or recorder to a custom window.
2. Click the Gadgets button.
3. Select the DX8000 gadget from the drop-down list.
4. Export the desired video to an AVI file on your hard drive using either of the tools provided by the DX8000 canvas gadget in Archived Video
Export Specified Time Range
Video Export to AVI
5. Use the Roxio Easy CD Creator, which is provided on the VMX300(-E) workstation, to copy the AVI file to CD.
Previous Track/Clip: This tool is reserved for future development.
Fast Rewind: This tool is reserved for future development.
Skip Back 10 Seconds: This tool is reserved for future development.
Previous Frame: Click this button to skip the video to the previous frame.
Play Backwards: Click this button to play the video backwards.
Stop: Click this button to stop the video.
Play: Click this button to play the video.
Pause: Click this button to pause the video.
Next Frame: Click this button to skip to the next frame.
Skip Forward 10 Seconds: This tool is reserved for future development.
Fast Forward: This tool is reserved for future development.
Next Track/Clip: This tool is reserved for future development.
Capture and Save button: The Capture and Save button allows you to take a snapshot of the video displayed in the window and
save the image as a JPEG file.
Export Specified Time Range: Click this button to copy the video for a specific time range to a file. The maximum you can export
at one time is 5 minutes of video.
Video Export to AVI: Click this buttonto start copying the currently playing video to an AVI file. Click again to stop copying the
video and specify a file name and location. The video is transferred from the recorder after the button is pressed the second time.
Since the file is created after the transfer is complete, the file may not appear immediately. The maximum you can export at one
time is 5 minutes of video.
Instant Record: Click this button to start recording, overriding the record mode, if necessary. Click again to stop recording.
If record mode is Normal, this button has no effect. If you stop the instant recording when the record mode requires recording
(e.g. motion has been detected and the record mode is Motion), recording will continue.