
C1554M-A (4/05) 111
Figure 125. Current Session Tree
The Current Session tree categorizes your current session’s activities. Active activities are those that are in the process of being performed.
Complete activities have been completed.
You can select the activities you want listed in the right pane of the Session Manager by selecting each category you want to view. To see
activities that are in the process of being performed, select Active. To see activities that have been performed during your current session, select
Complete. The number in parentheses to the right of a category indicates the total number of activities in that category.
The activities list in the right pane of the Session Manager lists all activities of the types selected in the Current Session tree. Entries are
dynamically added to the list as activities occur.
Figure 126. Session Manager - Activities List
Sort list: To sort the activities list chronologically, click the Date/Time column header. The arrow in the column header indicates that the list is
sorted by date/time.
If the list is sorted with the most recent activity at the top of the list, new entries are added to the top of the list. If the list is sorted with the oldest
activity at the top, new entries are added to the bottom of the list.
You can also sort the activities list on Server, Priority, or Type by clicking the appropriate column header.
By selecting an entry in the activities list, you can perform the following tasks:
Replay an alarm’s script
Acknowledge an alarm
Pause, resume or stop a running script
For more information on replaying and acknowledging an activity, refer to Alarms and Events - Replaying an Alarm and Acknowledging an Alarm.
Managing scripts: To interrupt a script that is running:
1. Click the entry for the script in the activities list. The entry is highlighted.
2. Use the buttons on the Session Manager tool bar to pause, resume, or stop the script:
a. Pause: Click the Pause button to temporarily stop the script.
b. Resume: Click the Resume button to resume a script that you paused using the Pause button.
c. Stop: Click the Stop button to stop the script.
TIP: In general, an operator’s interest is in active entries rather than complete ones. To view active entries only, select Active and clear