hp surestore tape library Revision History 3
Glossary Glossary: Includes technical terms
used in this manual.
Revision History
Edition 1 June 1999: C7200-90000
Initial release.
Edition 2 April 2000: C7200-90011
Updated Fibre Channel, remote
management card, and front
panel information.
Edition 3 December 2000: C9521-90000
Added the reader comment sheet
and references to the
HP Tape
Library & Autoloader Drive
. Updated the
troubleshooting procedures,
technical specifications, Fibre
Channel configuration, remote
management card features,
mailslot options, and front panel
Edition 4 December 2001: C9190-90000
Revised the format to include HP’s
branding standards. Added an
illustration of the accessory kit,
modified the model description to
reference slot capacity, and added
more information on Support
Packs and the HP Library & Tape
Tools diagnostic tool. Deleted the
Fibre Channel overview appendix
and added additional replacement
procedures for the cosmetics and
power supply.
Edition 5 June 2002: C9521-90002
Added information for the 8/80
and 10/100 series tape libraries,
drives and media, front panel
magazine access, and library
error codes.
For the most current version of this manual, and
other information regarding your tape library,
visit the HP Customer Care website: