
Chapter 4 Diagnostic Support Tools 157
Chapter 4
Wellness Test Moves a tape from a random slot to an empty
drive, repeats the process until all drives are full,
and then returns all tapes to their original slots.
Rewind Media Caution: Do not run this test if the drive contains a
tape that is receiving data from the host.
Rewinds the tape in the drive.
Lock Transport Locks the transport assembly in place to allow for
shipping the library. Power down the library after
running this test. Motion commands may fail if
issued after the transport assembly is locked.
Note: The transport assembly automatically
unlocks when library is powered on.
Unlock Transport Unlocks the transport assembly without power
cycling the library. The transport must have already
been locked to use this test.
Note: The transport assembly automatically
unlocks when library is powered on.
Test Transport
Exercises the infrared communications path
between the library controller and the transport
controller. Reports the health of this link. If the test
passes, the infrared communication link is good.
Show All Sensors Dynamically displays the state of sensors. To toggle
drawer sensors, open and close the drawers. To
toggle the mailslot sensor, open the mailslot to
access the first two tapes.
Table 28
Front Panel Diagnostic Tests
Test Description