124 Understanding Error States Chapter 4
Slave card failed Library slave controller card failed
power-up test.
Note: Slave controller cards are
required in all but the lowest level of
the library.
■ Verify that a slave card is present
in all but the lowest level of the
■ Verify that the cards are properly
■ Power cycle the library.
■ Contact your service
Fibre Channel
controller failed
Fibre Channel controller failed
power-up test. (Usually due to
problems on the SCSI bus, such as
an LVDS drive or terminator on an
HVDS bus, etc.)
■ Verify that proper SCSI
terminators and/or tape drives
are attached to the Fibre Channel
■ Verify that there are no bent pins
on the controller.
■ Power cycle the library.
■ Contact your service
Front Panel
Front panel not
Library could not detect the front
panel display.
■ Power cycle the library.
■ Contact your service
Front panel failed Front panel display failed power-up
■ Power cycle the library
■ Contact your service
Date and time not
The date and time is not set on the
front panel
■ Set the date and time. (See Setting
the Date and Time on page 108.)
Door open One or more tape doors are open.
The library robotics will not move
until the door is closed.
■ Ensure that doors are closed.
Table 18
Partial Availability Conditions
Library Status Cause Solution