224 Glossary
MAC Address Media access control address - a unique hardware-based address that
identifies each node on a network.
magazine A slotted container that resides in the tape drawers that provides individual
slots for five tape cartridges.
magazine access A process of loading or unloading tapes that involves opening a tape drawer
and exchanging one or more magazines.
mailslot A process of loading or unloading tapes that allows the user to access either 1
slot, 1 magazine, or 2 magazines.
move A single library action, such as loading a tape into a drive, or unloading a
tape from a drive.
node An addressable entity connected to an I/O bus or network, used to refer to
storage devices and subsystems.
nesting The menu approach implemented in the library that uses increasing levels of
library control.
odometer A front panel option that displays the odometer logs for power-on hours and
originator A Fibre Channel term that refers to the initiating device.
port The hardware entity within a node that performs data communications.
power (stand-by)
A low holding voltage remains in the library even though library has been
powered off.
RMC, remote
management card
A circuit card that provides the ability to gain access to the library from a
computer at a different location.