This section lists the specifications for the HP 8360 Synthesized
Sweepers. In a effort to improve these synthesized sweepers,
Hewlett-Packard has made changes to this product which are
identified with changes in the serial number prefix.
To check if your synthesized sweeper specifications are the same as
those listed in this section:
1. Locate your instrument model number and serial prefix number in
the “Instrument History Changes” table in Chapter 5.
2. Check the right column of this table to determine whether any
changes apply to your instrument’s model number/serial prefix
number combination.
3. If a change is listed, check this change to determine if
specifications other than those listed in this section apply. The
changes are included in Chapter 5.
Specifications describe warranted instrument performance over the 0 to
temperature range except as noted otherwise. Specifications apply after full user
calibration and in coupled attenuator mode of operation (ALC level greater than
Supplemental characteristics, denoted typical or nominal, are intended to
provide information useful in applying the instrument, but are non-warranted