Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
• Uninstall. Uninstalls Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
• Repair. Starts Setup in repair mode.
<Patch update=”true”/”false”>\\ServerName\ShareName\Patch_Location</Patch>
If you do not specify a location, by default Setup will go online to a location that is managed
by Microsoft to search for available updates. Or, you can point Setup to install a Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Connector for SQL Server Reporting Services Setup update .msp file from a
different location, such as an internal share.
update. Specifies whether Setup will look for, download, and apply updates for Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Server Setup. We recommend that you let Setup download the latest version
by selecting true. By default, this value is set to false. If the value is set to false, Setup will
ignore this step and continue with the installation.
<InstallDir>c:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM Email</InstallDir>
Specifies the folder where the E-mail Router will be installed. By default, the E-mail Router is
installed to c:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM Email.
If a value is not specified, Setup installs the E-mail Router service and the E-mail Router
Configuration Manager, but does not install the Rule Deployment Wizard.
The following features are available:
<SinkService />
Add this entry if you want to install the E-mail Router service and E-mail Router
Configuration Manager.
<RulesWizard />
Add this entry if you want to install the Rule Deployment Wizard.