Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
organization named OrganizationName on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server that is named
<ServerUrl Type=”OnPremise”>http://MSCRM</ServerUrl>
<CEIP optin=”true” />
Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router
The E-mail Router accepts the same command line parameters as Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Server. To install the E-mail Router in quiet mode, that uses an XML configuration file that is
named install-config.xml and that creates a log file that is named log.txt, run the
SetupExchange.exe command in the Exchange folder on the installation media, or download
location of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server installation files as follows:
Setupexchange /Q /CONFIG folderpath\install-config.xml /L log.txt
E-mail Router XML Configuration File
The /config [drive:] [[path] configfilename.xml]] command-line parameter provides Microsoft
Dynamics CRM-Exchange E-mail Router Setup with required information. It is the same
information that each installation screen requires.
Important To use the E-mail Router after it is installed, you must run the E-mail
Router Configuration Manager to configure it. You cannot configure the E-mail
Router using an XML configuration file.
The XML elements must be in English (US). An XML configuration file that has
localized XML elements will not work correctly.
An explanation of each XML element and a sample XML file follows:
<CRMSetup> </CRMSetup>
The configuration file must be a valid XML file that uses <CRMSetup> as the root element.
<Exchange> </ Exchange>
Specifies a Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router installation. The Exchange tag must be
within the CRMSetup open and end tags. All the E-mail Router entries that follow must be
within the Exchange tags.
Specifies the type of installation that Setup will perform. The following options are available: