Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
<IncomingExchangeServer name="ExchangeServerName"/>
Caution Maintaining the configuration file, which has <ServiceAccountLogin>
and <ServiceAccountPassword> values specified, is a security risk because
you are storing a password in plain text. Delete these elements as soon as the
configuration file is used to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
Sample Server XML Configuration File for Internet-
Facing Deployments
The following partial configuration file installs the components necessary for a Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Server deployment that can be accessed through the Internet-facing deployment
The <ifdsettings> element must be located inside the <Server> element described previously.
<ifdsettings enabled="true">
Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Roles
By default, Setup installs all Microsoft Dynamics CRM server roles on the local computer.
However, if you are installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Enterprise, you can install one or
more server roles on a different computer, or have two or more computers running the same role,
which can provide load balancing benefits. To do this, you must configure the XML configuration
file and then run Setup at a command prompt on the computer where you want the role installed.
Important You cannot run Setup to add one or more server roles to a computer
that already has one or more server roles installed. If you try to run Setup on a
computer that already has at least one server role installed, Setup will uninstall
all existing server roles. Before you can add different server roles, you must first
uninstall all server roles and then run Setup to install the server roles that you
For more information about server roles, see the Planning Deployment chapter in the Microsoft
Dynamics CRM 4.0 Planning Guide. For more information about recommendations for isolating
server roles or running multiple computers with the same server role, see the Advanced Planning
Deployment chapter in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Planning Guide.