
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
2. Click the Languages tab.
3. In the User Interface Language list, select the language in which you want Microsoft
Dynamics CRM to be displayed.
4. In the Help Language list, select the language in which you want Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Help to be displayed.
5. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.
Note The user language settings only apply to Microsoft Dynamics CRM for
Outlook features, such as the user interface display of the CRM menu, and
do not affect other areas of Microsoft Office Outlook. To be able to display all
the Outlook user interface or Help in multiple languages, you must install one
or more Office Language Packs. For more information about Office
Language Packs, see the Outlook Help.
Language Pack Installation Issues
This section describes how to troubleshoot Language-Pack installation issues.
You receive a “Setup could not install Language Pack
Name” error message
During a Language Pack installation, Setup may display an error message that states that the
Language Pack cannot be installed. This problem can occur when the Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Server or Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook applications are not installed on the computer
before you run MUISetup.msi to install a Language Pack. To resolve this problem, you must
perform the following procedures:
If you are installing the Language Pack for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment, you
must install the Language Pack on the computer where Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server
is installed.
If you are installing the Language Pack for Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook, you
must install the Language Pack on the computer where Microsoft Dynamics CRM for
Outlook is installed.
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