Config-Only Mode
Config-Only mode is entered if the configuration file that you are using is empty or
no protocols are configured. Config-Only mode can also be entered manually to
recover from an invalid configuration that is causing the router to crash during
Automatic Entry Into Config-Only Mode
Config-Only mode is entered if the router detects a problem during operation or
during router initialization.
The following conditions cause the router to enter Config-Only mode:
v The software load does not match the device configuration. Specifically, an
attempt is made to configure a device or data link that is not supported by the
software load.
v Devices are configured but no protocols are configured.
If the router enters Config-Only mode because an unsupported device is configured:
v Change the device information to match the hardware installed in (and supported
by) the router, or change the unsupported device to “null device”.
v Enter the Restart or Reload command from the Config (only)> prompt.
v The router will automatically enter OPCON (*).
If no protocols or devices are configured other than default devices, the router
comes up in EasyStart. For additional information, see “Using EasyStart” on
page 40 .
Manual Entry Into Config-Only Mode
To enter Config-Only mode, do one of the following:
v To reload or restart the router with no configuration.
To reload or restart the router with no configuration, use the cc command.
v Reload or restart the router with no protocols configured.
v Use the bootstrap monitor bc command to boot to config-only mode.
Note: If autoboot is enabled and if you press Ctrl-C while the software is loading,
you go directly to the bootstrap monitor > prompt without seeing the text and
you can skip step 1. Otherwise, the following text appears:
PROM Load/Dump Program * Revision: 1.15 *
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1997
Host **VL-51* loading
Using Ethernet at ( 81600, 94).
Trying host, via
file loads/latest-gen.rbx2-multisna.ldc
1. If boot information is missing, the software will load from the IBD. If the
first IBD file is invalid, such as a config file, the software will go to the
manual load prompt:
No valid boot records found, attempting IBD load
Loading using IBD Load Image "vl2-15.cfg"
Bad record header 0
No valid server configured -- Entering manual mode
Using the CONFIG (Talk 6) Process
Chapter 5. The Configuration Process (CONFIG - Talk 6) and Commands 41