Table 3. OPCON Commands (continued)
Command Function
Talk Connects to another router process and enables the use of its
Telnet Connects to another router.
Use the breakpoint command to trap information in the MOS system debugging
tool, inspect memory, place breakpoints, or obtain a core dump. This command
should be used only by software specialists.
If the watchdog timer is on when you invoke this command, the contents of core
memory are dumped (if dumping is enabled) when the watchdog timer fires. All
routing processes are halted.
The breakpoint command must be issued from a local console.
Note: Do not use this command during normal operations because it completely
halts operation of the software. If you accidentally enter the breakpoint
command, quickly press Esc, and then p.
Use the divert command to send the output from a specified process to a specified
terminal. This command allows you to divert the output of several processes to the
same terminal to simultaneously view the output. The divert command is commonly
used to redirect MONITR output messages to a specific terminal. The router allows
only certain processes to be redirected.
After entering the command, enter the PID and tty# (number of the output terminal).
To obtain these values, use the OPCON status command. The terminal number can
be the number of either the local console (tty0) or one of the remote consoles (tty1,
tty2). The following example shows Event Logging System messages generated by
the MONITR process (2) being sent to a remote console
Event messages are displayed immediately even though you may be in the middle
of typing a command. The display and keyboard have separate buffers to prevent
command confusion. The following example shows the MONITR process connected
to TTY1 after executing the divert 2 1 command. If you want to stop the output,
enter halt 2. The halt command is described in “Halt” on page 29.
pid tty#
Example: divert 2 1
Copyright Notices:
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1997
MOS Operator Control
* divert 2 1
28 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide