Configuring an ATM Forum-Compliant LE Client
This section explains the commands for configuring an ATM Forum-compliant LAN
Emulation Client. Enter the appropriate commands at either the Ethernet Forum
Compliant LEC Config> prompt or the Token Ring Forum Compliant LEC Config>
prompt. Commands in the following table apply to both Token-Ring and Ethernet
LECs except where indicated.
Enter the commands at the LEC Config> prompt after entering the config command
at the LE Client Config> prompt.
Table 42. LAN Emulation Client Configuration Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or
lists the options for specific commands (if available). See
“Getting Help” on page 10.
ARP-Configuration Allows you to configure the LE-ARP configuration for the ATM
Forum-compliant client
RIF-Timer Sets the maximum amount of time that information in the RIF
is maintained before it is refreshed. Applies only to Token-Ring
Source-routing Used to enable or disable source-route bridging. Applies only
to Token-Ring LECs.
IP-Encapsulation Sets the IP encapsulation as Ethernet (type X’0800’) or IEEE
(802.3 with SNAP). Applies only to Ethernet LECs.
List Lists the LAN Emulation Client configuration.
QoS-Configuration Gets you to the elan-x LEC QoS Config> prompt from which
you can configure Quality of Service as described in LE Client
QoS Configuration Commands in
Using and Configuring
Set Sets the LAN Emulation Client parameters.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a
Lower Level Environment” on page 11.
ARP Configuration
Use the arp-configuration command to configure the static LE-ARP entries for the
ATM forum-compliant LAN Emulation Client.
Token Ring Forum Compliant LEC Config> arp-configuration
ATM LAN Emulation Clients ARP configuration
Table 43. ATM LAN Emulation Client ARP Configuration Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or
lists the options for specific commands (if available). See
“Getting Help” on page 10.
Add Adds an LE-ARP cache entry using a MAC or route descriptor
Config Sets cache entry QoS parameter values.
List Lists configured ARP cache entries.
Configuring Forum LE Clients
Chapter 24. Configuring and Monitoring LAN Emulation Clients 295