v By default, ELANs use best-effort connections to connect to the BUS. For ELANs
where BUS traffic is heavy, better performance can be obtained by using
reserved bandwidth connections to the BUS. The characteristics of the Multicast
Send VCC between the LE client and the BUS can be controlled with TLVs.
v A TLV can be used to download the ELAN segment number to source route
In addition to fine-tuning the configuration, TLVs force all clients on the ELAN to
operate with consistent parameters. The IBM 2210 supports all ATM Forum-defined
TLVs along with arbitrary, user-defined TLVs.
Connecting to the LES
After obtaining the ATM address of the LES, the LE client initiates a Control Direct
VCC to the LES. When this VCC has been established, the LE client sends an
LE_JOIN_REQUEST to the LES. The LES responds by adding the LE client to the
appropriate point-to-multipoint Control Distribute VCC and returning an
LE_JOIN_RESPONSE. By default, the LES partitions proxy and non-proxy clients
onto separate Control Distribute VCCs as illustrated in Figure 15; however, you can
configure the LES to use a single Control Distribute VCC for all LE clients in order
to reduce the number of point-to-multipoint VCCs that are required. Partitioning the
VCCs is generally useful because it reduces the amount of nuisance traffic that is
sent to non-proxy clients. No LE_ARP_REQUESTs are sent to non-proxy LE clients,
as described in “Address Resolution” on page 265.
The following ATM connections are established between the LE client and the LES:
Control Direct VCC (bidirectional point-to-point)
From LE client to LES
Control Distribute VCC (point-to-multipoint)
From LES to LE client
Figure 15. Default Connections Between LE Clients and the LES
Overview of LAN Emulation
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide