add peer-router
Router's internal IP Address []?
Connection setup timeout [230]?
Adds remote X.25 nodes and corresponding routers. You can connect
remote nodes with local X.25 nodes so they can exchange data. You must
configure an IP address for each remote X.25 node you configure. Any
request or data sent to this remote node goes to the router. The router then
uses one of its local X.25 interfaces to forward the data to the X.25 node.
Define a remote DTE if this router is to initiate XTP connections to the
remote DTE due to incoming calls from its local DTEs, or if the remote DTE
is part of an XTP PVC definition.
To use Local XTP, the peer router address must be the internal address of
the local router and that DTE address must be previously defined using the
add local command.
add remote-dte
DTE address [ ]?301
Peer router's internal IP Address []?
Peer router's internal IP Address []?
pvc Adds a PVC from a local X.25 node to a remote X.25 node.
Three things need to exist in order to activate a PVC configuration:
v An X.25 PVC from the router to the local X.25 node
v An X.25 PVC from the peer router to the remote X.25 node
v A TCP connection to the peer router where the remote node is resident
XTP config>add pvc
Local PVC Range Start [1]?
Local PVC Range End [1]?
Local X.25 DTE address [ ]? 101
Remote PVC Range Start [1]?
Remote PVC Range End [1]?
Remote X.25 DTE address [ ]? 301
1. When you add PVCs to the router configuration, you also must
configure the PVC in X.25. For details on configuring X.25 interfaces,
refer to
Software User’s Guide
2. For Local XTP, you must define the PVC in both directions. You need
this definition because the router is performing both local and remote
functions. For example, to define Local PVC 8 and Remote PVC 10
when you are using Local XTP, you would do the following:
XTP config>add pvc
Local PVC Range Start [1]? 8
Local PVC Range End [1]? 8
Local X.25 DTE address [ ]? 108
Remote PVC Range Start [1]? 10
Remote PVC Range End [1]? 10
Remote X.25 DTE address [ ]? 301
XTP config>add pvc
Local PVC Range Start [1]? 10
Local PVC Range End [1]? 10
Local X.25 DTE address [ ]? 310
Remote PVC Range Start [1]? 8
Remote PVC Range End [1]? 8
XTP Configuring Commands (Talk 6)
Chapter 29. Configuring and Monitoring XTP 377