The other router will take on the DTE role in terms of clocking and should be
configured as if it were attached to a modem or CSU/DSU
Note: Configuring a DTE as opposed to a DCE cable has no impact on whether or
not the WAN net handler takes on the peer device. For example, the router
always acts as a Frame Relay DTE device and uses a FR UNI interface
even when a Frame Relay interface is configured to use a DCE cable.
Network Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command
While serial line interfaces do not have their own console process for monitoring
purposes, routers can display complete statistics for all installed network interfaces
when you use the interface command from the GWCON environment. For more
information on the interface command and displaying statistics, see Chapter 10.
The Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands.
Configuring Serial Line Interfaces
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide