list Displays the current packet tracing options on the ATM interface.
ATM Interface+ trace
on | off | list []? list
Packet trace is ON
Range of VPIs to be traced: 0 - 0
Range of VCIs to be traced: 32 - 39
on Starts packet tracing on all active VCCs within the specified VPI/VCI range.
ATM Interface+ trace on
beginning of VPI range [0]?
end of VPI range [0]?
beginning of VCI range [32]?
end of VCI range [65535]? 39
off Stops packet tracing on all VCCs.
ATM Interface+ trace off
ATM Interface+ trace list
Packet trace is OFF
Use the wrap command to perform a loopback data test on the ATM interface of
the adapter. Wrap can be issued on a per VC basis by specifying VPI-VCI pairs.
Data is looped back internally.
You can selectively start a wrap, stop a wrap, or display the current wrap settings.
If you stop or display a wrap, the following statistics will be displayed:
v Wrap transmits
v Wrap receives
v Wrap transmit errors
v Wrap receive errors
v Wrap receive timeouts
For display, the current wrap statistics are displayed.
For stop, the final wrap statistics are displayed.
Displays the current wrap settings.
start Starts the wrap procedure and specifies the VPI-VCI length of pattern and
the pattern itself.
ATM Interface+ wrap start
VPI [0]?
VCI [32]?
wrap pattern length [32]?
Enter 32-byte wrap pattern: [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456]?
ATM Interface Monitoring Commands (Talk 5)
Chapter 22. Configuring and Monitoring ATM 289