Chapter 23. Using LAN Emulation Clients
This chapter describes LAN Emulation Clients (LECs). It includes the following
v “LAN Emulation Client Overview”
LAN Emulation Client Overview
On the router, LECs serve the purpose of “ports” or “interfaces” on traditional
routers and bridges. The router bridges and routes traffic between ports by
receiving and transmitting traffic through its LECs.
LEC has two prompt levels:
1. LE Client Config> lets you enter commands that control the environment of all
your LECs. The commands for this prompt level are described in “Configuring
LAN Emulation Clients” on page 293
2. One of the commands, config, gets you to another prompt level, LEC Config>,
at which you can enter commands to configure a specific LEC.
An explanation of commands for LAN Emulation Clients follows.
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