Current Multilink PPP Configuration:
Num Intf# Direction MaxLinks DIALs
1 8 In 2 No
Enter the number of Multilink PPP DIALs interfaces:(0-23) 2
Enter maximum number of active links per Multilink PPP interface: 3
Next, the following prompt will be shown.
For Base Interface #1 (V.34 Base Net) no Dial Circuits are configured!
Add a DIALs (Dial-in) Interface for this Base Interface? (Yes, No): [No]y
Add a Dial-out DIALs Interface for this Base Interface? (Yes, No): [No] y
Num Intf# Intf Type BaseIntf# MP Direction Destination
1 3 PPP Dial-in Circuit 1/V34 No In N/A
2 4 Dial-out Dials Circuit 1/V34 No Out N/A
Save this configuration (Yes, No): [Yes]
Dial circuit configuration saved.
Answering no will take the user out of the DIALs server configuration.
2. For every valid base WAN interface (V34 or ISDN) in the router, you are asked
if you want to add a DIALs dial-in interface for this base net.
v If the base net is ISDN BRI or ISDN PRI, you are asked if you want to add
up to 2 or 23 respectively dial-in interfaces for the ISDN base net.
v If the base net is V34 then you will also be asked if you want to add a
DIALs dial-out circuit for this base net (Dial-out is not supported over ISDN).
3. After answering yes or no to these questions, the current dial-circuit
configuration for that base net is displayed. You can then save the
configuration by answering yes or restart the configuration for that base net by
answering no.
4. After configuring all of your DIALs interfaces or by answering no to the DIALs
interfaces question, you arrive at the DIALs Server configuration. Here you are
asked to enter information about global settings for the DIALs server.
Configure DIALs Server? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes] yes
Type 'r' any time at this level to restart Dial-in Access to LANs Configuration.
5. Take one of the following actions:
v Enter y to display the DIALs Server prompts
v Enter n to skip DIALs Server configuration
v Enter q to exit quick configuration
If you answer yes, the following prompt will be shown. Answering no takes you
to the next configuration section.
Default number of minutes a user is allowed before being
disconnected, 0 is unlimited: (0)
6. The default number of minutes on-line determines the maximum connection
time for dial-in and dial-out users. Enter 0 if you want to this time to be
unlimited. The default is zero if you have not configured this information
Appendix A. Quick Configuration Reference 659