Chapter 34. Using the Multilink PPP Protocol
This chapter describes how to use the Multilink PPP Protocol (MP). It includes the
following sections:
v “MP Considerations” on page 510
v “Multi-Chassis MP” on page 511
v “Configuring a Multilink PPP Interface” on page 511
The Multilink PPP Protocol allows you to increase the bandwidth of:
v PPP leased lines, including channelized and I43x ISDN circuits
v PPP ISDN dial circuits
v PPP V.25bis dial circuits
v PPP V.34 dial circuits
v PPP Layer 2 Tunneling circuits
Increased bandwidth is accomplished by defining a
virtual link
made up of multiple
links. The bandwidth of the resulting MP bundle is almost equal to the sum of the
bandwidths of the individual links. The advantage is that large data packets
transmitted across a single link can now be fragmented, transmitted across multiple
links, and rebuilt at the receiving end station. MP uses both the Bandwidth
Allocation Protocol and the Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol to dynamically
add and drop PPP dialcircuits to a virtual link. MP also uses Bandwidth-On-Demand
(BOD) to add “dedicated” MP dial links to an existing bundle.
There are two types of MP links: those that are dedicated and those that are simply
enabled. A dedicated MP link is an MP-enabled interface configured as a link to a
particular MP interface. If the link attempts to join another MP bundle, or if MP is
not negotiated at all, the software terminates the link. All PPP links except for
layer-2-tunneling interfaces can be configured as dedicated MP links. PPP leased
links must be configured as dedicated MP links.
PPP dial-circuits and Layer 2-Tunneling can be configured as MP enabled. An
MP-enabled link that is not dedicated can become a link in any MP bundle. If MP is
not negotiated, the link operates as an independent interface using the link’s
configured protocols.
You can configure a Multilink PPP interface that consists of multiple PPP dial
circuits as part of the MP bundle.
There are also two types of MP interfaces: those that have a dedicated link and
those that do not. An MP interface needs a dedicated link in any one of the
following situations:
v The link is only for the MP interface
v The MP interface is configured for outbound calls. The dedicated link must then
be configured with the destination phone number and caller identification.
v The MP interface is configured to receive a particular inbound call. In this case,
the dedicated link is configured with the inbound destination phone number and
caller identification.
v The MP interface needs to perform outbound authentication. In this case, all links
use the same authentication name.
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