Highest Area
This number should be at least as high as the highest area number in
the overall network.
Node Address
Is the node ID of this router and must be unique in the network.
When you press Enter, the following is displayed:
Configuring Per-Interface DNA Information
Configuring Max Routers on each interface
Configuring Interface 0 (Ethernet)
Configure DNA on this interface? (Yes, No) [YES]
Max Routers (decimal) (1-33): [16]
Configuring Interface 1 (WAN PPP)
Configure DNA on this interface? (Yes, No) [Yes]
Configuring Interface 2 (Token Ring)
Configure DNA on this interface? (Yes, No) [Yes]
Max Routers (decimal) (1-33): [16]
2. Enter y for every interface that will be connected to the DECnet network. For
LANs, Max Routers specifies how many other routers may be on this circuit. For
router efficiency and memory requirements set this argument to a few more than
the total number of adjacent routers on this circuit.
The following panel is displayed:
This is the information you have entered:
Global Configuration Information
Highest Node Number: 32
Router Level: Level2
Highest Area: 63
Node Address: 63.32
Pre-Interface Configuration Information
Interface Number Max Routers
Save this configuration? (Yes, No): [Yes]
3. Enter y to save the DECnet configuration and continue with the quick
configuration. Enter n to re-display the DECnet configuration prompts.
If you enter y, the following message appears:
Appendix A. Quick Configuration Reference 669