GWCON (+) prompt and when you enter the statistics command at the
V.25bis> monitoring prompt. The range is 300 to 2 048 000 bps.
Note: This command does not affect the actual line speed but it sets the
speed some protocols, such as IPX, use when calculating routing
cost parameters for dial circuits mapped to the V.25bis interface.
address name
Specifies the network address name of the local port. This address name
must match one of the names that you defined at the Config> using the
add v25-bis-address command.
Example: set local-address line-1-local
Some telephone service providers impose restrictions on automatic recalling
devices to limit the number of successive calls to an address that is
inaccessible or that refuses those calls. This parameter specifies the
maximum number of calls the router attempts to make to a non-responding
address during the timeout period. The range is 0 to 10, and the default is
Note: Government regulation may also impose limits on the modem
manufacturer that would supersede this parameter.
# of seconds
After the router reaches the maximum number of retries-no-answer to a
non-responding address, it does not initiate further calls to that address until
this time has expired. This timeout period begins when the router attempts
the first call to an address. The range is 0 to 65535 seconds, and the
default is 0. If you set this parameter to 0, the modem controls the timeout
Accessing the Interface Monitoring Process
To access the interface monitoring process for V.25bis, enter the following
command at the GWCON (+) prompt:
+ network #
is the number of the V.25bis serial line. You cannot directly access the
V.25bis monitoring process for dial circuits, but you can monitor the dial circuits that
are mapped to the serial line interface.
Note: V.25bis interfaces also have ELS troubleshooting messages that you can use
to monitor V.25bis related activity. See the
IBM Nways Event Logging
System Messages Guide
for further details.
V.25bis Monitoring Commands
This section summarizes and explains the V.25bis operating commands. These
commands allow you to view the calls, circuits, parameters, and statistics of the
V.25bis interfaces.
Enter the V.25bis monitoring commands at the V.25bis> prompt. Table 76 on
page 588 shows the commands.
V.25bis Configuration Commands
Chapter 42. Configuring and Monitoring the V.25bis Network Interface 587