information, see “Excess Burst (Be) Size” on page 397.
increment-% decrement-% minimum-IR
Sets the minimum information rate (IR) and the percentages for
incrementing and decrementing the IR in response to network congestion.
The minimum IR, expressed as a percentage of CIR, is the lower limit of
the information rate. The minimum percentage is 1 and the maximum
percentage is 100. The default is 25.
When network congestion clears, the information rate is gradually
incremented by the IR adjustment increment percentage until the maximum
information rate is reached. The minimum percentage is 1 and the
maximum percentage is 100. The default is 12.
When network congestion occurs, the information rate is decremented by
the IR adjustment decrement percentage each time a frame containing
BECN is received until the minimum information rate is reached. The
minimum percentage is 1, and the maximum percentage is 100. The default
is 25.
set ir-adjustment
IR adjustment % increment [12]?
IR adjustment % decrement [25]?
Minimum IR as % of CIR [25]?
Use the Trace command to enable packet tracing for individual circuits or the entire
interface and to list the tracing capability of all circuits on this interface. This
command can be used as a filter when tracing specific circuits or interfaces is
required. The default setting is to trace all circuits.
trace 16
Enables packet tracing on circuit (PVC or SVC) with DLCI 16.
trace circuit phoenix
Enables packet tracing on circuit (PVC or SVC) named phoenix.
trace circuit all
Enables packet tracing on all circuits on this interface.
trace list
The following circuits are available for packet trace
Circuit Name Circuit Number
-------------------------------- --------------
Unassigned 16
phoenix 25
jetsam 0
Lists the packet tracing capability of all circuits on this
Monitoring Frame Relay Interfaces
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide