
compressed bytes, so values greater than 1 are preferable for both
input and output. The higher the number, the more effective the
The output ratio is computed as the ratio of the number of original
plain-text bytes divided by the number of bytes sent as a result of
attempting compression - whether the packet actually was
compressed or sent as a CDP packet. If a data stream does not
compress well and most of the packets are sent in their original
form or in enlarged CDP packets, the compression output ratio will
drop. If the ratio drops below 1.0, the compressor is actually
reducing the effective bandwidth of the line rather than increasing it,
and should be disabled on that interface if the state persists for a
long time.
The input ratio is computed based on the number of bytes received
in CDP frames divided into the number of decompressed bytes.
Unlike the output ratio, this count does not include any packets that
were incompressible and sent in plain-text form. This is because the
router cannot determine if a received non-CDP packet was an
incompressible packet that the peer sent in plain-text form, or just a
packet that the peer did not attempt to compress.
Because of the method of calculation, the output ratio on one end
of the link does not necessarily match the input ratio at the other
This command displays the same information as list cdp.
bcp Lists statistics for the Bridging control protocol. These fields are the same
as those described under the list ip command. (See “ip” on page 503.)
list bcp
BCP Statistic In Out
-------------- -- ---
Packets: 0 0
Octets: 0 0
Prot Rejects: 0 -
brg Lists statistics on the bridge packets received and transmitted over the PPP
interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip
command. (See “ip” on page 503.)
list brg
BRG Statistic In Out
-------------- -- ---
Packets: 0 0
Octets: 0 0
Prot Rejects: 0 -
stp Lists statistics for the spanning tree protocol. These fields are the same as
those described under the list ip command. (See “ip” on page 503.)
list stp
Spanning Tree Statistic In Out
----------------------- -- ---
Packets: 0 0
Octets: 0 0
nbcp Lists NetBIOS Control Protocol statistics for the point-to-point interface.
These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command.
(See “ip” on page 503.)
Monitoring PPP Interfaces (Talk 5)
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide